字谜2 Riddles about Chinese Characters

1.摘掉穷帽子,摘掉穷根子。(打一个汉字) Take off the torn hat, get rid of the root of poverty. (Guess a Chinese character)

2.左边一个太阳,右边一个太阳,站在太阳上,反而不见光。(打一个汉字) There is a sun on the left and a sun on the right. But
when you stand on the suns, you cannot see the light. (Guess a Chinese character)

3. 一比一。(打一个汉字) One to one. (Guess a Chinese character)

4.不是车。(打一个汉字) It isn’t car. (Guess a Chinese character)

5.一边一点。(打一个汉字) One point on one side. (Guess a Chinese character)

The answers are:

1.八(bā), 2.暗(àn), 3.平(píng)/三(sān), 4.辈(bèi), 5.卜(bŭ)

–Yǐnghuá (颖华)/Xiǎo cài lǎoshī(小蔡老师)

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